Michi's Story The Panda Contact Michi's Music

lyrics for the day..

Cukuplah sekadar hidup dengan penuh bermakna..


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Awkward is just nice~~

Th beginning of a successful mission is whn u do feel awkward bout smthng but u keep doing it though it ws pretty hrd fr a strter. U might can't jump high enough 2 reach th sky bt God gve us both hand n legs fr climbing. True, it's easier to talk bout it bt smetime whn u thnk of it n keep trying while u nt realize tht it's a good job n smile at th N of th day, u might find it interesting - something to remind us for what we always believe..in Christ I believe and AMEN for that^^

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Another lyrics to share

Urang Limpas-Limpas

Panda Walk Away

