Michi's Story The Panda Contact Michi's Music

lyrics for the day..

Cukuplah sekadar hidup dengan penuh bermakna..


Saturday, September 10, 2011

With Love to Love..

It was not that happy moment when someone is leaving you for a while..
Waiting for the next meeting is not going to be that easy but keeping that faith and love inside this little box of feeling is going to help you to stay strong..
She was leaving for her study after taking her 4 Months semester break..
Hope to see her soon and having a chit chat at "Kadai Mi Sup KB"..

Someone will always missing her right here and always pray for her..

It was easy to say that you have a friend, but Best friend are hard to find..

Showing some love

She bought this for me when she stop at Tuaran
to see me before she go to the airport..
She bought this because she was thirsty
but forgot to take it from me when she went into the car..

I' was surprise to see a card inside a bag that she gave me
along with the cupcakes that she made for me..(Touched)

Secret recipe of L.O.V. E

The cupcakes smell yummy! Pounsikou Pingu..xoxo

She even gave me "Mempelam" and white chilies from her garden
so that I can cook my favorite meal..Kamsamida!

L.O.V.E always can wait..Thank you for being my best friend..you're always in my prayer..

With Love,



Another lyrics to share

Urang Limpas-Limpas

Panda Walk Away
